viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

4th CSE Halloween Projects

These are some of the Halloween projects my students of 4th CSE A and B have done to celebrate Halloween at school. They had to tell some scary stories using the materials and resources they wanted.

The first one is the short film Ana Espejo, Gloria Garrote and Cristian González (4th A) have recorded.

I didn't know Ana was such a great actress!!

The second is a video by Iván Bueno, Isaac González, Juan González, Iván Pérez and Manuel Torralba, (4th B). Enjoy it!

The third is a project made by Desirée Rodríguez and Raquel Manzanares (4th B).

I will post the other projects as soon as I've uploaded them in youtube. Just give me time!

Have a nice weekend!
Your English teacher,

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

jajaja, the videos are great! We should have done something like that, maybe other time :) by the way, I think that your blog is fantastic!


Darío, is that you?
I agree with you, the videos are great!
Thank you so much for your kind words! :)